مجلس الأمن الدولي يعرب عن قلقه إزاء تصاعد العنف في السودان مدير أطباء بلا حدود: الأزمة الإنسانية في السودان "كارثية" منظمات دولية تحذر من تفاقم أزمة اللاجئين السودانيين في تشاد أمين عام الأمم المتحدة يدين الهجوم على المستشفى السعودي في الفاشرالجنائية الدولية تطالب بتسليم الهاربين منها وعلى رأسهم "البشير"
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Adam Rijal: More than 400 children in Darfur suffer from malnutrition

October 5, 2024 (PEN) The official spokesman for the General Coordination for Displaced Persons and Refugees in Darfur, Adam Rijal, said that more than 400 children in Darfur suffer from severe and moderate malnutrition, while more than 306 children are infected with diseases such as measles, watery diarrhea, malaria and eye infections.

Men pointed out that these diseases are particularly present in the areas of Jiflo and Salomat, north of Zamzam camp for displaced persons, where children in Zamzam camp and other camps suffer from diseases, hunger and severe malnutrition.

The men called on all humanitarian workers in the world to respond quickly to humanitarian appeals to save the lives of millions of Sudanese children.

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