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Doctors Without Borders: Sudan is in a catastrophic situation due to malnutrition and lack of health care

April 8, 2024 (PEN) Sudan is witnessing catastrophic levels of malnutrition, with more than 8.4 million people having fled their homes since April 2023, Christos Christou, international head of Doctors Without Borders, said in a press conference. He added that the United Nations The United States estimated that 13,900 people had been killed since the war began, indicating that this number may be an underestimate.

Christo explained that the situation in Sudan is characterized by a high incidence of death due to violence-related injuries and preventable diseases, and that children are dying due to malnutrition, women due to complications of pregnancy and childbirth, and patients suffering from chronic diseases due to running out of medicines.

He pointed out that only 20-30% of health facilities are still functioning in Sudan, which reduces people's ability to get treatment when needed due to the lack of supplies and staff reaching these facilities.

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