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Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council calls for an end to the fighting and urgent funding

15 April 2024 (PEN) Jan Egeland, Secretary-General of the Norwegian Refugee Council, said that one year since the start of the war in Sudan had revealed severe civilian suffering, including hunger, sexual violence and widespread ethnic killing. He stated that millions of people have been displaced, but most of them suffer in silence and without adequate support.

Egeland added that this period represents a “moment of shame” for the warring parties in Sudan and for the outside world, which “turns a blind eye” or even contributes to fueling the crisis. Egeland stressed that famine is looming on the horizon, but it is facing obstruction on the ground, while the international community remains indifferent to what is happening.

Egeland called on international leaders to intervene immediately and provide essential funding and diplomatic pressure on the warring parties and those providing weapons. He explained that ending the fighting is necessary, as it has already led to the internal displacement of 6.5 million people and more than 1.7 million people to neighboring countries.

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