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An international union calls for more support to confront the hunger crisis in Sudan

June 21, 2024 (PEN) The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies confirmed that about 18 million people in Sudan are facing a severe hunger crisis, warning that current humanitarian efforts are insufficient to deal with the scale of the crisis.

The Union indicated in a tweet on (X) that the ongoing conflict in Sudan has caused the displacement of about 9 million people, who are suffering from besiegement due to the fighting. He added that the lack of funding hinders the continued distribution of food and necessary humanitarian aid.

He also mentioned that the Sudanese Red Crescent, since the beginning of the conflict, has been at the forefront of providing humanitarian aid, trying to provide support to those in need under difficult circumstances. However, the International Federation stressed the urgent need for more support and aid to confront this worsening crisis.

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