واشنطن تطالب قوات الدعم السريع بوقف الهجوم على الفاشر وحماية المدنيين إنقاذ الطفولة: الأمطار الغزيرة في السودان تفاقم معاناة الأسر والأطفال النازحين أطباء بلا حدود تدعو للتدخل العاجل لإنقاذ الأطفال في مخيم زمزم للنازحين مسؤولة أممية : النساء السودانيات يواجهن أزمة إنسانية غير مسبوقةالخطوط الجوية الاثيوبية تطلق رحلات يومية إلى مدينة بورتسودان
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In celebration of International Day of the Girl, the Organization for Migration organizes awareness sessions

October 12, 2023 (pen) The International Organization for Migration in Sudan, in cooperation with the Child Welfare Council and the Unit for Combating Violence against Women and Children, organized awareness sessions yesterday, Wednesday, on gender-based violence and mental health for displaced girls in Kosti, White Nile.

The sessions aimed to educate girls about the different forms of violence and the importance of mental health and self-care, and provided advice on how to deal with the pressures and challenges resulting from displacement.

According to a report by the International Organization for Migration, more than 4.2 million women and girls in Sudan are at risk of gender-based violence.

The organization called on everyone to defend girls' rights and help them achieve their full potential.


Re-edited by: Hajra Ibrahim - Designed by: Mohamed Abdel Moneim

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