مجلس الأمن الدولي يعرب عن قلقه إزاء تصاعد العنف في السودان مدير أطباء بلا حدود: الأزمة الإنسانية في السودان "كارثية" منظمات دولية تحذر من تفاقم أزمة اللاجئين السودانيين في تشاد أمين عام الأمم المتحدة يدين الهجوم على المستشفى السعودي في الفاشرالجنائية الدولية تطالب بتسليم الهاربين منها وعلى رأسهم "البشير"
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ECLID: More than 20,000 deaths recorded as a result of the ongoing violence in Sudan

August 24, 2024 (PEN) The non-governmental organization Acled revealed that Sudan has witnessed more than 7,230 incidents of political violence since fighting broke out between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the “paramilitary” Rapid Support Forces on April 15, 2023, resulting in more than 20,000 deaths.

Between 6 July and 16 August 2024, the organization recorded more than 420 additional incidents of political violence and over 1,195 deaths. The organization noted that Khartoum and North Darfur states were the most affected during this period, with 157 and 68 incidents recorded respectively, with 260 people reported killed in Khartoum and 396 in North Darfur.

The report added that the most common type of event was fighting, with 163 battles recorded, followed by explosions/remote violence with 160 events recorded. However, ECLID recorded a 24% decrease in the number of battles compared to the previous six weeks, noting that most of these battles were related to fighting in Khartoum.

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