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ECLID records more than 5,000 incidents of political violence in Sudan since the outbreak of fighting

April 15, 2024 (PEN) The NGO Eclid said that since the outbreak of fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the “paramilitary” Rapid Support Forces on April 15, 5,550 incidents of political violence and more than 15,550 deaths have been recorded in Sudan.
The organization stated that most of the incidents of political violence between April 15, 2023 and April 5, 2024, occurred in Khartoum State, where more than 3,660 incidents and more than 7,050 deaths were reported.
The report explained that civilians throughout Sudan have faced more than 1,400 incidents of targeted violence since the start of the war, and civilians in Khartoum State were the most targeted, as the state witnessed more than 650 incidents that led to the deaths of at least 1,470 people.
Eclid emphasized that targeted violence in Darfur was more lethal for civilians, as violence was twice as likely to be fatal to civilians as in other states. She added that 32% of all civilian deaths recorded in the country occurred in Darfur.

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