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The United Nations demands that roads be opened for humanitarian organizations without obstacles

January 21, 2024 (PEN) The United Nations Deputy Humanitarian Coordinator, Toby Harward, said that the Darfur region is in urgent need of a significant increase in humanitarian aid.

Harward explained that the United Nations is working to expand its activities through access and permanent presence in the various states of Darfur, adding , "We must act now before this humanitarian catastrophe worsens."

The UN official called on the parties to the conflict to adhere to the Jeddah Declaration, which was signed by the parties, and the resulting securing and opening of roads without obstacles for humanitarian organizations to enable them to deliver aid to the displaced and the needy.

Toby Harward added , “To respond effectively to the worsening crisis, humanitarian organizations must have the levels of funding and capacity necessary to alleviate suffering.”

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