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United Nations: The threat of famine threatens some areas in Sudan

March 24, 2024 (PEN) In a recent report, the Famine Early Warning System Network assessed the presence of the risk of famine in some areas of Western Darfur State and the capital, Khartoum, as well as some areas in Greater Darfur where large numbers of displaced people live.

Toby Harward, Deputy United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan, explained in his tweet on (X) that this assessment indicates a clear risk of high levels of hunger and acute malnutrition, in addition to high death rates, which may be equivalent to famine standards if the parties continue. Armed forces prevent individuals from migrating to safer areas in search of food and income.

Harward stressed the importance of an immediate and effective response to this humanitarian challenge, stressing the need to provide the necessary support and resources to help the affected population and provide emergency support to meet their basic needs.

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