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World Bank provides $90 million to respond to influx of Sudanese refugees fleeing to Chad

September 8, 2023 (Reuters) - The World Bank announced in a statement Friday $340 million in new financing to help Chad tackle several crises, including $90 million to respond to the influx of refugees fleeing conflict in Sudan.

This funding comes in addition to more than $235 million in ongoing funding to support refugees and host communities in Chad.

The World Bank said more than 400,000 Sudanese and Chadians had fled Darfur to eastern Chad since the war broke out in April.

The arrivals have intensified the need for humanitarian assistance in one of the world's poorest countries and put pressure on natural resources.

"The influx of refugees, coupled with poor harvests and the combined effects of climate change, will exacerbate food insecurity in the coming months," the statement added.

Chad was already hosting nearly 600,000 refugees before the conflict erupted in Sudan in April.

The United Nations said on Monday it expects more than 1.8 million people from Sudan to arrive in five neighbouring countries by the end of the year and called for $1 billion to help them amid reports of rising morbidity and mortality.  

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