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US State Department: We want to see both sides of the conflict return to the negotiating table

January 6, 2024 (PEN) US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said in response to a journalist’s question that the United States hopes that the leader of any foreigner participating in a conversation with a member of the Rapid Support Forces command or the armed forces will send a message that there is no solution. An acceptable military force for the conflict in Sudan.

Matthew Miller added, "We want to see both parties return to the negotiating table, and we want to see a ceasefire that is actually adhered to."

He also stated that both sides of the conflict must stop their brutal attacks on civilians and take measures that are in the interest of the people of Sudan.

There has been a conflict in Sudan since April 15, 2024, which has led to a significant deterioration in the humanitarian situation, according to international reports.

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