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Al-Sisi stresses that Egypt will continue to play its role in mitigating the humanitarian effects of the conflict

February 29, 2024 (PEN) The head of the Sovereignty Council, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, held discussions with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi during his visit to the Egyptian capital, Cairo.

Al-Burhan stressed Sudan’s appreciation for Egyptian support, according to what was reported by the Egyptian Channel One.

For his part, Sisi stressed his country's keenness to enhance joint cooperation between the two countries in a way that contributes to achieving the interests of the two peoples.

According to the Egyptian presidential spokesman, the meeting witnessed efforts to resolve the ongoing crisis in Sudan in a way that ensures the restoration of stability and preserves the unity and cohesion of the state.

Abdel Fattah El-Sisi stressed Egypt's keenness on Sudan's security and supporting the unity of the Sudanese ranks, stressing that Egypt will continue to play its role in alleviating the humanitarian effects of the conflict on the Sudanese people.

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