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ICRC continues training for Sudanese Red Crescent volunteers

11 September 2023 (PEN) – The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has continued its training for Sudanese Red Crescent Society staff.

In El Fasher, 20 volunteers from the Sudanese Red Crescent Society were trained in chlorination of water, the committee said. This can help provide clean water to communities in El Fasher.

Earlier, she said 40 volunteers from the Sudanese Red Crescent Society in White Nile state had been trained to handle the remains. "The training aims to build the capacity of volunteers to manage human remains with respect and dignity, as well as to enhance the possibility of identifying bodies in the future by the competent authorities, which can contribute to providing answers to the families of the missing," she said.

The ICRC has been involved in humanitarian intervention since the conflict began on 15 April by providing humanitarian aid, rehabilitating staff and searching for missing persons.

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