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The American envoy: We are seeking with regional leaders to achieve a ceasefire in Sudan

June 9, 2024 (PEN) The US Special Envoy to Sudan, Tom Perello, expressed in a statement his thanks for the Egyptian partnership in preventing further escalation of fighting and instability in Sudan, stressing that he is on the road and communicating with regional leaders to work towards a ceasefire and ease... Suffering in Sudan.

He added: "I also met with the Sudanese diaspora and reiterate their calls for the warring parties to enter into negotiations and end the war."

Perillo pointed to Declan Walsh's report in the New York Times, saying: "Declan Walsh's recent report 'Famine Looms in Sudan as Civil War Pushes Capital to the Brink' highlights the scale of human suffering and death and the urgency we must all feel to end "This war."

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