مجلس الأمن الدولي يعرب عن قلقه إزاء تصاعد العنف في السودان مدير أطباء بلا حدود: الأزمة الإنسانية في السودان "كارثية" منظمات دولية تحذر من تفاقم أزمة اللاجئين السودانيين في تشاد أمين عام الأمم المتحدة يدين الهجوم على المستشفى السعودي في الفاشرالجنائية الدولية تطالب بتسليم الهاربين منها وعلى رأسهم "البشير"
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Director-General of World Health: The World Health Organization condemns in the strongest terms the increasing attacks on health care in Sudan and the occupation of health facilities.

11 September 2023 (PEN) Dr Tedros said that about 65% of the population does not have access to health services and more than 70% of health facilities in conflict zones are not functioning.

He added during a press briefing that the effects were horrific. Every day, nine patients on dialysis die, and dialysis centers in four states close due to lack of supplies.

Tedros said that in addition to supporting 11 hospitals, WHO is now deploying 12 mobile health clinics to provide essential and life-saving health services to people who do not have access to them. He added that an additional 12 mobile clinics will be launched later this month.

The WHO Director-General said attacks on health continued to increase. He said the WHO has so far verified 56 attacks on healthcare, resulting in 11 deaths and 38 injuries.

Tedros expressed the WHO's condemnation in the strongest terms of the increasing attacks on health care in Sudan and the occupation of health facilities.

The Director-General of Global Health stated that the Sudanese crisis has led to the displacement of nearly 5 million people, including 1 million people who fled to neighbouring countries.

He said the health situation on Sudan's borders is dire, with a combination of disease outbreaks and the impact of extreme weather events, hunger and malnutrition.

"MSF staff and emergency medical teams are on the ground, treating patients, providing medical supplies, training health workers and ensuring that health facilities function," Dr Tedros said.

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