مجلس الأمن الدولي يعرب عن قلقه إزاء تصاعد العنف في السودان مدير أطباء بلا حدود: الأزمة الإنسانية في السودان "كارثية" منظمات دولية تحذر من تفاقم أزمة اللاجئين السودانيين في تشاد أمين عام الأمم المتحدة يدين الهجوم على المستشفى السعودي في الفاشرالجنائية الدولية تطالب بتسليم الهاربين منها وعلى رأسهم "البشير"
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King Charles III sends a message to the Sudanese people

1 January 2024 (PEN) On the occasion of the anniversary of independence, King Charles III of Britain expressed his heartfelt feelings to the Sudanese people, who have been afflicted by the effects of the terrible conflict.

"Last year I was delighted to have the opportunity to meet some of the Sudanese expatriate community and hear about their conditions, and our prayers are always for the Sudanese people in the midst of this horrific violence," Charles said.

The King of the United Kingdom wished the Sudanese people success in securing a free and peaceful future, hoping to encourage the renewal of the partnership between the two countries.

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