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The Red Crescent carries out an educational workshop targeting vulnerable areas in Karari

July 9, 2024 (PEN) The Sudanese Red Crescent Society, Khartoum State Branch, Karari Locality, North Rural Unit North, implemented a refresher workshop for vulnerable areas on health education, water and environmental sanitation. 238 male and female volunteers participated in the workshop, which was held at the unit’s headquarters in the Al-Hushab area.

The workshop targeted the areas of Al-Koudab, Al-Hawshab, Goz Nafisa, and Qalaat Al-Tiseen, as part of preparations for the fall season in fragile areas that lack drinking water purification stations. The branch's Emergency Director also participated in the workshop, where activities focused on educating participants about the importance of hygiene and public health, and methods of purifying water to ensure safe drinking.

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