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Election of Ezz El-Din Arbab as President of the Sudanese Journalists Association in Uganda

July 15, 2024 (PEN) At a meeting held in Kampala, the membership of the Sudanese Journalists Syndicate elected Izz al-Din Arbab as president of the Uganda Journalists Association, along with 8 other members, half of whom are female journalists. The organizational regulations were approved and the executive structure was elected in the presence of a number of members of unions, professional organizations and civil society.

Lawyer and Chairman of the Observers Committee, Mohamed Abdel Motal, described the quality of the General Assembly as a good democratic exercise, as the electoral process took place transparently in the presence of about 7 observers. He said: "What has been done is a step towards promoting peace and democratic civil construction."

The elected executive office included Issa Dafallah, Mortada Ahmed, Badriya Abdel Qader, Abu Dharr Masoud, Fath al-Rahman Hamouda, Awatif Ishaq, Hawa Daoud, and Zamzam Khater.

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