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Relief groups: The conflict in Sudan increases the suffering of millions and threatens a humanitarian catastrophe

March 15, 2024 (PEN) Relief groups indicated that the violent conflict in Sudan has been sweeping large parts of the country for nearly a year, worsening the humanitarian situation.

The groups stated in their report highlighting the crises in Africa sent to European leaders, that Sudan has now become the worst displacement crisis in the world, as nearly 2.7 million refugees have fled to neighboring countries, while more than 8.6 million people have been internally displaced.

She added that 18 million people suffer from acute food insecurity, and stated that unless immediate action is taken, the most affected populations, especially in Khartoum and West Darfur, will face catastrophic levels of hunger in the next lean season.

Aid groups called on European leaders to urgently prioritize forgotten crises in East and Central Africa, strengthen diplomatic engagement and increase funding for durable and long-term solutions.

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