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Hamdok and Lamamra discuss the humanitarian situation in Sudan

February 16, 2024 (PEN) A delegation from the Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (TAQADUM), headed by Dr. Abdullah Hamdok, met with the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ramtane Lamamra, in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, today, Friday. The two sides discussed the humanitarian conditions resulting from the war and its increasing pace. .

The coordination stressed the need to redouble efforts to provide humanitarian aid and ensure its unhindered access.

The delegation also stressed the importance of unifying the negotiating platform that would end the war and establish a civil democratic state in Sudan.

For his part, Ramtane Lamamra stressed that he is very keen to accelerate efforts to reach a peaceful solution, expressing his appreciation for the meeting with Taqadum, which constitutes the beginning of fruitful communication that helps end the war and address the humanitarian crisis in Sudan, as he put it.

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