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The President of Uganda calls for an end to hostilities in Sudan

June 22, 2024 (PEN) In a tweet posted on his account (x), he called on the President of the Republic of Uganda and the current Chairman of the African Peace and Security Council, Yuri K. Museveni, to stop hostilities in Sudan. He pointed out that the current war there is a tragic reminder of the consequences of political mistakes, stressing the need to avoid adopting identity politics at the expense of people's interests, and resorting to force instead of dialogue.

Museveni added that the use of unprepared individuals with misguided ideologies has fueled the humanitarian catastrophe in Sudan, with war crimes stemming from these grave missteps. He also called on the Sudanese factions to abandon hostilities and immediately engage in a comprehensive dialogue, with the aim of restoring stability to the Sudanese nation and achieving comprehensive peace.

“Peace can be achieved if we correct these mistakes and prioritize the well-being of all Sudanese citizens,” Museveni said.

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