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United Nations Population Fund: 98,000 pregnant women need basic and life-saving reproductive health services

19 September 2023(pen) – The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) said it was able to deliver medical supplies to three hard-to-reach areas – Khartoum, North Darfur and West Darfur (across the border from Chad) – adding that more medical supplies were on their way to East Darfur and South Darfur.

Additional supplies have been provided to 12 health facilities across Khartoum, Gezira, Blue Nile, Gedaref and West Darfur to ensure the safety of every baby birth, UNFPA said.

UNFPA in Khartoum also built the capacity of emergency response rooms to respond to the immediate health and protection needs of women and girls.UNFPA said it is launching an integrated response to gender-based violence and sexual and reproductive health of populations in the River Nile, Northern State and Sennar, which hosts more than 1 million internally displaced people.

According to UNFPA, 4.1 million people have been internally displaced, including 984,000 women and girls of reproductive age, of whom an estimated 98,000 are currently pregnant and in need of timely access to basic and life-saving reproductive health services.

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