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Member of the Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Ibrahim Jaber, issues directives regarding the winter agricultural season

November 8, 2023 (pen) Member of the Sovereignty Council, Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Marine Advisor Ibrahim Jaber Ibrahim, issued a directive to form the Supreme Committee for the success of the winter season in Sudan for the year 2023-2024 AD, from the Governor of Gedaref State, Mr. Muhammad Abdel Rahman Mahjoub, as Chairman, and the membership of Messrs. Governors. The Nile River, the Northern River, the Gezira and the White Nile have members, rapporteurs and other members to contribute to identifying and defining the problems facing the agricultural season and collective consensus on solving them, each according to his specialty.

The tasks and powers of the committee are to determine the necessary needs for seeds, fertilizers and gasoline for the success of the winter agricultural season in accordance with the indicative plan prepared by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and to establish a line for agricultural financing from agricultural banks in coordination with the Central Bank.

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