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Guterres calls on the warring parties in Sudan for a permanent ceasefire

May 16, 2024 (PEN) The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, delivered his speech before the 33rd Arab Summit in the Bahraini capital, Manama, where he pointed to the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Sudan due to the devastating war that led to half of the country’s population falling into a tragic humanitarian situation.

Guterres stressed that one year into the conflict, thousands have been killed and more than 18 million people are facing the terrifying threat of famine, urging the international community to intensify its efforts to achieve peace in the country, and calling on the warring parties to agree on a permanent ceasefire.

Guterres pointed out the importance of the peace process in Sudan following a political approach that includes women and youth groups, declaring the United Nations' readiness to provide full support for this process.

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