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Qatar Charity implements a project to provide water and sanitation to the displaced in Port Sudan

3 September 2023 (SUNA) Qatar Charity's technical teams have embarked on implementing a new qualitative project to provide drinking water, hygiene tools and environmental sanitation to the displaced in shelters in the city of Port Sudan, while the health authorities in the Red Sea State described the project as life-saving in terms of providing basic water and sanitation services in the camps for the displaced.

Najla Ahmed Ali, director of the Environmental Health and Food Control Department in the Red Sea State, said that Qatar Charity has made great efforts to provide drinking water, hygiene and environmental sanitation to the displaced.

She explained that the project targets all shelters in Port Sudan, where basic services of top priority are provided to the displaced in the shelters, represented in providing clean drinking water in addition to supervising the chlorination of drinking water by training volunteers in 12 shelters to eliminate germs, pollution and pathogens and provide healthy water.

The Director of the Environmental Health Department revealed that Qatar Charity has implemented campaigns for environmental sanitation, cleanliness of shelters and their surroundings, distribution of tools and aids for environmental sanitation and hygiene in various centers, including the distribution of drums for collecting solid waste and providing large containers in shelters to facilitate the process of collecting waste and transporting it through designated cars, in addition to withdrawing bilge water from fermentation basins and maintaining sanitation in some shelters and constructing a number of toilet units and hand laundries inside the shelters in order to disburse Healthy healthy.

She added that it is a huge project with the full support of Qatar Charity and fills a great need for the displaced, and we consider it one of the life-saving projects.

Qatar Charity's office in Sudan explained that the project to provide drinking water, hygiene tools and environmental sanitation for the displaced in Port Sudan comes within a series of humanitarian interventions for Qatar Charity for those affected by the war on more than one level.He pointed out that the project includes providing potable water supply to 2,500 people for a period of (60) days, distributing 1,200 water collection and storage equipment, and implementing campaigns for environmental sanitation, disinfection and waste collection in shelter centers, including the provision of hygiene equipment and aids, as well as the maintenance of sanitation for some of the targeted centers. and suction of fermentation basins.

It is worth mentioning that the shelter centers actively targeted to supervise the chlorination of water are (Dar Al-Hijrah, Deem Al-Nour, Consumer Protection, Abu Hashish Al-Jumaabi Interior, Youth Hostel, Girls' Interior, Truck Interior Boys, That Al-Nitaqeen School, um Al-Qura School, Sons of the North, Dar Al-Moalem, Philip, and Al-Merghaniya.

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