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Clementine Salami: Every life lost takes Sudan further away from peace

24 June 2024 (PEN) Another day of violence in Sudan brings another humanitarian tragedy in El Fasher, Darfur, United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan, Clementine Nkweta Salami, said. A pharmacist was killed, indicating that she would not return to her home and family.

Salami added: “She died when an artillery shell hit the corner of the hospital where she was working. She was prescribing medicines and providing care to women, men and children in a place that was supposed to be safe.”

She expressed her deep sadness, stressing that it was long overdue to silence the weapons. Whether death is the result of bullets or bombs, famine or disease, adding , “Every life lost in this senseless war takes Sudan another step away from the peace we all aspire to.”

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