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Emergency lawyers welcome ceasefire talks in Sudan

July 13, 2024 (PEN) The Emergency Lawyers group welcomed the launch of indirect talks between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces, facilitated by the United Nations, with the aim of reaching a possible ceasefire in specific areas for humanitarian purposes, facilitating the arrival and distribution of aid, and protecting civilians.

The group stressed in its statement that the catastrophic humanitarian conditions the country is experiencing as a result of the devastating conflict require urgent action, as 25.6 million people face severe levels of hunger, and 8.9 million children suffer from acute food insecurity. More than 14 regions also face the risk of famine, according to estimates by UN agencies.

The Emergency Lawyers Group said: “We encourage both parties to reach a humanitarian ceasefire and strengthen humanitarian measures to ensure the flow of aid and the protection of civilians.”

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