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Nkweta Salami renews her call to stop the fighting in Sudan

October 25, 2022 (pen) The Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan, Ms. Clementine Nkweta Salami, said, “On October 24 of every year, we commemorate United Nations Day, in celebration of the United Nations Charter, the founding document of the United Nations.”

She added that this year, UNITAMS commemorates the day at a time when Sudan is facing one of the fastest growing crises in the world, in light of unprecedented needs.

Nkweta Salami, on behalf of the United Nations family in Sudan, called on all parties to the conflict in Sudan to stop fighting, commit to a permanent cessation of hostilities, and adhere to their obligations under international humanitarian law and international human rights law to protect civilians and enable safe humanitarian access to those in need.

Ms. Nkweta Salami also stressed that “the longer this fighting lasts, the more devastating its impact will become.”

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