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The Governor of Khartoum is discussing arrangements for launching discount sales outlets for citizens

October 26, 2023 (pen) The Sudanese News Agency said that the Governor of Khartoum State, Mr. Ahmed Othman Hamza, discussed yesterday with Saad Ahmed Saad, who is in charge of managing the Khartoum Food Security Company, arrangements for launching discount sales outlets for citizens.

SUNA reported that during the meeting, discussions were held on the best means of providing services that benefit the citizen in light of the war without profits and at less than market prices. The governor directed the company’s management to communicate directly with producers to provide goods at the lowest prices.

She added that a list of basic commodities had been agreed upon, including meat, meat products, eggs, milk, flour, sugar and spices.

Distribution mechanisms and mobile sales outlets within neighborhoods and markets were also negotiated, with the project being implemented within the coming days in coordination with local authorities and market committees, according to what SUNA reported.

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