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The governor of South Darfur discusses the issues of the displaced with the Secretary-General of the Zakat Office

October 11, 2023 (SUNA) Professor Hamid Al-Tijani Hanoun, the acting governor of South Darfur, discussed with Professor Ibrahim Musa, Secretary-General of the Federal Zakat Office, during his current visit to Al-Jazira State in the city of Wad Medani, to follow up on the state’s issues and the needs of citizens, the conditions of displaced citizens in a number of neighboring states.

Hanoun requested the importance of the Zakat Office’s intervention to provide urgent assistance to alleviate the suffering and facilitate efforts through the Supreme Emergency Committee.

The Secretary-General of the Zakat Office, Ibrahim Musa, promised to support the efforts of South Darfur State to improve the humanitarian situation by providing medicine and food under the supervision of the Secretary-General of the Zakat Office in the state.

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