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Three trucks loaded with medicines and medical equipment arrive in El Fasher

September 26, 2023 (SUNA) The Sudan News Agency said that three trucks loaded with medicines and medical supplies arrived today in the city of El Fasher, the capital of the Darfur region, and this came in coordination and arrangement between the Darfur regional government and Doctors Without Borders.

The Director General of Social Welfare in the Darfur Regional Government, Engineer Abdul Baqi Muhammad Hamid, said in a press statement, “The trucks carry important medicines and aids, including malaria medicines and others, confirming the arrival of these medicines in the critical conditions North Darfur State is experiencing these days, due to the lack of medicines and medical and therapeutic equipment.”

Meanwhile, Abdul Baqi indicated that there is an arrangement to deliver medicines and humanitarian aid to the rest of the states in the coming days, adding that North Darfur state alone has recorded many cases of malaria in the past week, according to reports issued by the state Ministry of Health.

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