مجلس الأمن الدولي يعرب عن قلقه إزاء تصاعد العنف في السودان مدير أطباء بلا حدود: الأزمة الإنسانية في السودان "كارثية" منظمات دولية تحذر من تفاقم أزمة اللاجئين السودانيين في تشاد أمين عام الأمم المتحدة يدين الهجوم على المستشفى السعودي في الفاشرالجنائية الدولية تطالب بتسليم الهاربين منها وعلى رأسهم "البشير"
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W.D.E.O launches war forum. Women and the environment

16 January 2024 (PEN-Uganda) The Women's Development and Environment Organization (W E D O) held on Friday 12/1/2024 in the Ugandan capital, Kampala, a forum entitled War and its impact on women and the environment, economic, social and political impacts, and the repercussions of all these factors on the situation of women in the afflicted states, displaced women in Sudan and refugees outside Sudan.

The speakers, Doctor of Political Science Hana Bashir, spoke about the war and its social effects on women. Professor Tahajjud Mohammed also spoke about the loss of natural resources and their economic impact on women.

The war has targeted citizens and infrastructure in Sudan and this may result in a serious environmental disaster now and in the future in light of the lack of humanitarian assistance and the lack of medical supplies in Sudan. The environmental risk also has a significant impact on humans, especially women, who are the most likely to suffer from this environmental risk, which is represented in the spread of diseases, poor or non-existent health care, conflict-related sexual violence, lack of access to the most basic resources such as water, sanitary pads and other daily and periodic needs.

In the absence of security and resources, women seek to be involved in environmental policies that affect them more and to enhance their participation in peacebuilding processes.

By Malak Jamal Bella

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