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African Union suspends Gabon membership 'until constitutional order is restored'

1 September 2023 (Anatolia) - The Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU) on Thursday suspended Gabon's membership in the work of the organization "until constitutional order is restored."

This came according to a statement at the end of an emergency meeting held by the council to discuss the situation in Gabon after the army ousted President Ali Bongo on Wednesday morning.
Under the resolution, the council announced "the suspension of Gabon's membership in all its work 

and institutions until the restoration of constitutional order" in the country.
On Thursday, the coup junta announced that General Bryce Oligoi Nguema will be sworn in on Monday, September 4, as "president of the transitional period."

On Wednesday, a military group announced on state television that it had seized power in Gabon, hours after President Bongo was declared the winner of a third term in Saturday's election.

Gabon is the latest African country to witness a military coup, the third in 3 years on the continent, after Niger on July 26, and Mali in 2022, which sparked a wave of international positions, most of which expressed deep concern about the state of political instability in the African continent.

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