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Global Health: Corona infections globally are on the rise

2 Sept 2023 (Anatolia) – The World Health Organization (WHO) announced a 38 percent increase in coronavirus cases in August compared to the previous month, and that more than 1.4 million cases were reported worldwide.

According to the report, in a 28-day period from July 31 to August 27, more than 1.4 million new cases of Corona were reported, and more than 1,800 deaths from the virus.

Compared to the previous 28-day period, there was a 38 percent increase in cases and a 50 percent decrease in the death rate.

According to the report, reported cases do not accurately reflect infection rates due to low testing and reporting globally.

According to WHO data, more than 770 million cases of coronavirus and 6,956,000 deaths from the pandemic have been reported worldwide.

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