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China urges relevant parties in Gabon to resolve differences peacefully through dialogue

August 31, 2023 (QNA) -- China has called on the parties concerned in Gabon to resolve differences peacefully through dialogue, following the military coup that overthrew Gabonese President Ali Bongo Ondimba.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said China closely follows developments in Gabon, calls for peaceful resolution of differences through dialogue and restoration of order as soon as possible.

"We call on the relevant parties in the country to move forward based on the fundamental interests of the nation and people, ensure the personal safety of President Ali Bongo Ondimba, and safeguard the great interests of national peace, stability and development," he added.

Senior officers in Gabon announced on Wednesday that they had seized power, annulled the election results, dissolved state institutions and closed the country's borders until further notice, hours after Gabon's national electoral body announced the re-election of Ali Bongo Ondimba as president.

Bongo, who belongs to a family that has ruled the country for 55 years, won a third presidential term with 64.27 percent of the vote, while his main rival, Albert Ondo Osa, received 30.77 percent.

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