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The United States and Vietnam elevate their relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership

September 11, 2023 (Anatolia) The United States and Vietnam agreed on Monday to upgrade their bilateral relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership and signed an agreement on semiconductor supply chains.

The development in relations between the two countries came during a two-day state visit by US President Joe Biden to Hanoi aimed at deepening bilateral cooperation, according to a White House statement.

Biden arrived in Hanoi after attending the G-20 summit held on Saturday and Sunday in the Indian capital New Delhi.

Biden discussed with ruling Communist Party general secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and other leaders opportunities to boost Vietnam's economic growth, expand human ties and combat climate change.

According to the White House, "the United States and Vietnam elevated their bilateral relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership ... The two countries are working together to achieve our shared goals of peace, prosperity and sustainable development."

He added that Washington and Hanoi had announced a "new partnership in semiconductor supply chains."

"The newly signed memorandum of cooperation on semiconductor supply chains, manpower and ecosystem development will formalize this bilateral partnership to expand the capacity of Vietnam's semiconductor ecosystem to support U.S. industry," he said.

"Under the International Technology and Innovation Security Fund (ITSI), established by the 2022 CHIPS Act, the United States will partner with Vietnam to further develop Vietnam's existing semiconductor ecosystem, regulatory framework, workforce and infrastructure needs," the White House said.

While the United States and Vietnam have close trade ties, Biden's visit is receiving much attention as Washington works to bolster its presence in the Asia-Pacific region to counter China's growing economic and military influence.

In 2013, Washington and Hanoi signed a comprehensive partnership agreement.In 2022, the volume of trade between the two countries reached more than 123 billion and 86 million dollars, an increase of 11 percent from the previous year.

The two countries restored formal diplomatic relations in 1995, 20 years after the end of the Vietnam War.

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