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Japan renews commitment to support food needs of the most vulnerable Palestinians

5 September 2023(pen) The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has welcomed the Government of Japan's timely and essential contribution of ¥200 million (US$1.5 million).

According to WFP, this contribution will enable WFP to provide much-needed food assistance to the most vulnerable Palestinian families in the Gaza Strip.

Mr. Nakashima Yuich, Ambassador for Palestinian Affairs and Representative of Japan to Palestine, said: "This support reflects Japan's commitment to continue contributing to the food security of Palestinians and its keenness on the future of peace in the region."    

"Japan's unwavering partnership has always been instrumental in supporting our mission to provide vital assistance to tens of thousands of struggling families every year," said Samer Abdel Jaber, WFP Representative and Director in Palestine, adding: "In these difficult times of deepening suffering, WFP's food assistance is a lifeline for the most vulnerable Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. We therefore express our sincere gratitude and thanks to Japan for its continued support to WFP during this critical period of funding shortfall."  

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