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UN peacekeeping mission completes withdrawal from Mali

1 January 2024 (UN) – The United Nations peacekeeping mission in Mali completed its withdrawal on Sunday after a decade of multifaceted efforts to support the Malian government and people after Malian authorities earlier this year requested the end of the UN mission by December 31st.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres expressed his appreciation for the pivotal role played by the peacekeeping mission in Mali (MINUSMA) in protecting civilians and supporting the peace process, as well as its efforts to restore state authority and provide peace dividends to the population.

This came in a statement attributed to his spokesperson, as the UN peacekeeping mission completed its withdrawal from the country by December 31, in line with Security Council Resolution 2690 adopted this year.

Mr. Guterres paid tribute to the 311 UNMEE staff who lost their lives and more than 700 people injured in the cause of peace during the 10 years that AMISOM has deployed in Mali.

"The Secretary-General and the entire United Nations family stand in sympathy and solidarity with the loved ones, friends and colleagues of the fallen staff, while we continue to be inspired by their sincere dedication to the cause of peace."

With the beginning of the new year, the liquidation period will begin, during which a smaller team, along with some military and police forces, will remain at sites in Gao and Bamako to oversee the orderly transfer of assets belonging to troop- and police-contributing countries to the States concerned and the appropriate disposal of United Nations equipment. The Secretary-General said he counted on the full cooperation of the Transitional Government to ensure that the process was completed as soon as possible.

The Secretary-General reaffirmed the commitment of the United Nations to work with the Malian people and the Transitional Government to restore constitutional order, as well as to promote peace, security and sustainable development.

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