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Guterres expresses his shock that two schools in Gaza were bombed

November 20, 2023 (pen) The Secretary-General of the United Nations expressed his deep shock that two UNRWA schools in Gaza were bombed within less than 24 hours. He said dozens of people, many of them women and children, were killed and injured as they sought safety in UN facilities.

In a press statement issued in his name yesterday, Sunday, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians are taking shelter in United Nations facilities across Gaza due to the intensification of fighting.

He reiterated the inviolability of United Nations facilities. He said that this war causes a huge and unacceptable number of civilian casualties every day, including women and children. He stressed the need for this to stop.

He reiterated his call for an immediate ceasefire on humanitarian grounds. He also expressed his deep appreciation for all mediation efforts led by the government of the State of Qatar.

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