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British Prime Minister announces his desire to cut taxes

2 October 2023 (QNA) British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said he wants to cut taxes, but has not said whether he will do so before next year's general election.

Sunak added, in an interview with the BBC, that reducing inflation to half its current rate before the end of this year is the best reduction that can be offered.

He stressed that he is fully convinced that the country needs change, and he will do things differently to achieve this change, pointing out that change may be uncomfortable for people and attract criticism, but he is convinced to do the right thing for the good of the country.

Tax cuts and the cost of living crisis, as well as Sunak's rollback of carbon reduction policies, are at the top of the agenda of the ruling Conservative Party conference in Manchester.

In a statement last week, Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt ruled out any possibility of tax cuts before the economy recovers from its current crisis, adding that the only solution to get out of the current economic situation and reduce public debt is to stick to the plan to reduce inflation and cut interest rates.

Lawmakers from the ruling Conservative Party, including former Prime Minister Liz Truss and former Home Secretary Priti Patel, have signed a pledge to their constituencies not to support any tax increase, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer is under pressure from Conservative MPs who demand that he cut taxes or at least announce a roadmap to reduce them to ease the burden of the cost of living crisis on citizens, especially with the approach of the general election, which may be next May.

Britain is experiencing its worst inflationary wave since the middle of last year, with inflation exceeding 11 percent at the end of last year due to rising global energy prices as a result of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, before starting to decline in the past few months.

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