واشنطن تطالب قوات الدعم السريع بوقف الهجوم على الفاشر وحماية المدنيين إنقاذ الطفولة: الأمطار الغزيرة في السودان تفاقم معاناة الأسر والأطفال النازحين أطباء بلا حدود تدعو للتدخل العاجل لإنقاذ الأطفال في مخيم زمزم للنازحين مسؤولة أممية : النساء السودانيات يواجهن أزمة إنسانية غير مسبوقةالخطوط الجوية الاثيوبية تطلق رحلات يومية إلى مدينة بورتسودان
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The British Guardian: 27 people were killed in the bombing of a market in Faqira, south of Khartoum

The British Guardian newspaper said that 27 people were killed and 106 others injured after a market was bombed in a poor area south of Khartoum, according to local residents.

It stated that residents said that six tank shells were fired from Al-Shajara, one of the few areas controlled by the army in the Sudanese capital, towards the Mayo neighborhood.

She added that the residents of Mayo are mostly people who have not been able to afford to leave Khartoum since fighting broke out between the army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces on April 15, and that no military target is known near it in the capital, which is controlled by the Rapid Support Forces by 90%, according to the description of the British newspaper.

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