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UNICEF urges the international community to respond to a catastrophic humanitarian crisis affecting Sudanese children

June 10, 2024 (PEN) Mandip O'Brien, Director of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Sudan, stressed the need for the world to pay urgent attention to the humanitarian crisis in Sudan. She explained that the ongoing war has led to 14 million children being trapped in a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions.

“The world cannot turn a blind eye to Sudan,” O’Brien said. “The war has trapped 14 million children in a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions. The window of opportunity to avoid the worst is rapidly closing. We need urgent action now!”

She pointed out that there is an urgent need to support UNICEF and its partners in providing the necessary assistance to affected children. This call comes at a critical time, as the humanitarian situation is worsening and the number of people in need of assistance is increasing.

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