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The Sudan Humanitarian Fund provides $48.6 million in response to the crisis in Sudan

September 18, 2023(PEN) – The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that the Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SHF) has provided grants totaling $48.6 million in response to the crisis in Sudan.

Of this amount, $3 million was allocated through reprogramming grants that were approved just before April 15 and implemented from May onwards, while $45 million was saved through a new allocation, the office said.

For this new allocation, OCHA said that for this new allocation, operations of nearly half of the funds began in June, with the remaining half starting the following month.

"This rapid response would not have been possible without generous contributions from donors, which reached $50 million by the end of June 2023," the office said in its report.

"Emergency funding totaling more than $3.4 million, which was pre-allocated through emergency lines in projects approved in 2022, was disbursed in June, July and August, bringing the total funding issued so far to $52 million. An additional $1.4 million is awaiting proposals from partners."

The conflict in Sudan since April 15 between the armed forces and the Rapid Support Forces has killed more than 5,000 people and displaced millions, according to United Nations reports.

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