واشنطن تطالب قوات الدعم السريع بوقف الهجوم على الفاشر وحماية المدنيين إنقاذ الطفولة: الأمطار الغزيرة في السودان تفاقم معاناة الأسر والأطفال النازحين أطباء بلا حدود تدعو للتدخل العاجل لإنقاذ الأطفال في مخيم زمزم للنازحين مسؤولة أممية : النساء السودانيات يواجهن أزمة إنسانية غير مسبوقةالخطوط الجوية الاثيوبية تطلق رحلات يومية إلى مدينة بورتسودان
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Russia calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities in Sudan

Russia calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities in Sudan

The conversation included an in-depth exchange of views on the crisis in Sudan

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Doctors Without Borders: The conflict in Sudan has led to a major humanitarian crisis in eastern Chad

Doctors Without Borders: The conflict in Sudan has led to a major humanitarian crisis in eastern Chad

According to the organization, the number of deaths has increased twenty-fold since April 2023

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Guterres calls on the world not to forget the people of Sudan

Guterres calls on the world not to forget the people of Sudan

The Under-Secretary-General explained that millions of people in Sudan need humanitarian assistance

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UNFPA holds a mobile clinic in North Darfur

UNFPA holds a mobile clinic in North Darfur

The Fund confirmed its response to the needs of more than 3 thousand people

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UNICEF warns of a disaster threatening children in Sudan

UNICEF warns of a disaster threatening children in Sudan

The organization confirmed that the war forced about 3.5 million children to flee

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United Nations: The fighting in Sudan is disrupting vital humanitarian operations

United Nations: The fighting in Sudan is disrupting vital humanitarian operations

OCHA explained that more than 6 million people have been displaced inside the country since mid-April

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The French Foreign Minister and her Djiboutian counterpart discuss the situation in Sudan

The French Foreign Minister and her Djiboutian counterpart discuss the situation in Sudan

Catherine emphasized support for the mediation efforts of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).

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The United Nations Population Fund confirms that displaced women face extreme danger

The United Nations Population Fund confirms that displaced women face extreme danger

The Fund explained that among the displaced population, it is estimated that more than 60,000 women and girls are of reproductive age

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International migration records the internal displacement of more than 6 million people

International migration records the internal displacement of more than 6 million people

The organization explained that the majority were displaced from Khartoum State (61%).

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Statements of the Resistance Committees in Sudan and the Forces of Freedom and Change regarding the decision of the Governor of the Nile River State

Statements of the Resistance Committees in Sudan and the Forces of Freedom and Change regarding the decision of the Governor of the Nile River State

The committees confirmed that the decision's primary goal was to try to eliminate the glorious December Revolution

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The United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs expresses its concern about the increasing number of people fleeing to South Sudan

The United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs expresses its concern about the increasing number of people fleeing to South Sudan

According to the Secretary-General's spokesman, basic supplies and services are extremely limited, with an increasing risk of disease outbreaks

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Emergency Lawyers condemns violations of the Rapid Support Forces in Al-Mailiq

Emergency Lawyers condemns violations of the Rapid Support Forces in Al-Mailiq

The group warned against violating the rules of international humanitarian law

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