واشنطن تطالب قوات الدعم السريع بوقف الهجوم على الفاشر وحماية المدنيين إنقاذ الطفولة: الأمطار الغزيرة في السودان تفاقم معاناة الأسر والأطفال النازحين أطباء بلا حدود تدعو للتدخل العاجل لإنقاذ الأطفال في مخيم زمزم للنازحين مسؤولة أممية : النساء السودانيات يواجهن أزمة إنسانية غير مسبوقةالخطوط الجوية الاثيوبية تطلق رحلات يومية إلى مدينة بورتسودان
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The Red Crescent carries out an educational workshop targeting vulnerable areas in Karari

The Red Crescent carries out an educational workshop targeting vulnerable areas in Karari

The workshop targeted the areas of Al-Kudab, Al-Hawshab, Goz Nafisa, and Qalaat Al-Tiseen

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Maryam Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi meets with the Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia to discuss the Arab crises

Maryam Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi meets with the Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia to discuss the Arab crises

I met within the delegation of the Arab Peace Group

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An upcoming visit by the Ethiopian Prime Minister to Sudan to discuss the current crisis

An upcoming visit by the Ethiopian Prime Minister to Sudan to discuss the current crisis

He is expected to hold closed discussions with Al-Burhan

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UNHCR: Sexual violence and human trafficking are increasing in Sudan

UNHCR: Sexual violence and human trafficking are increasing in Sudan

You mentioned that the security situation in Sudan remains very volatile

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IGAD and the United States cooperate to support peace in Sudan

IGAD and the United States cooperate to support peace in Sudan

The meeting took place in the office of the Executive Secretary of IGAD

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Tarco plane makes an emergency landing in Jeddah due to bad weather in Port Sudan

Tarco plane makes an emergency landing in Jeddah due to bad weather in Port Sudan

All passengers on the flight survived

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Norwegian Refugee Council: Gedaref market receives those fleeing Sennar amid the worsening crisis

Norwegian Refugee Council: Gedaref market receives those fleeing Sennar amid the worsening crisis

He stated that this is not the first time that these displaced people have had to flee

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Hamdok expresses his optimism about the possibility of holding a meeting soon between the commanders of the army and the Rapid Support, under the auspices of the African Union

Hamdok expresses his optimism about the possibility of holding a meeting soon between the commanders of the army and the Rapid Support, under the auspices of the African Union

He pointed out that Sudan is facing the largest humanitarian disaster in the world

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King Salman Relief continues its support for displaced families in Sudan

King Salman Relief continues its support for displaced families in Sudan

It comes within a series of relief projects implemented by the center

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Dr. Amani Al-Taweel: Whoever does not sign the Cairo statement isolates himself from the mainstream of the Sudanese people

Dr. Amani Al-Taweel: Whoever does not sign the Cairo statement isolates himself from the mainstream of the Sudanese people

I welcomed the final statement of the Cairo Conference

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Josep Borrell and Badr Abdel Ati discuss the situation in Sudan

Josep Borrell and Badr Abdel Ati discuss the situation in Sudan

They stressed the need to push the warring parties to negotiations

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The Displacement Tracking Matrix monitors the displacement of more than 65,000 families as a result of violence in North Darfur

The Displacement Tracking Matrix monitors the displacement of more than 65,000 families as a result of violence in North Darfur

She emphasized that all figures should be understood as preliminary estimates

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