واشنطن تطالب قوات الدعم السريع بوقف الهجوم على الفاشر وحماية المدنيين إنقاذ الطفولة: الأمطار الغزيرة في السودان تفاقم معاناة الأسر والأطفال النازحين أطباء بلا حدود تدعو للتدخل العاجل لإنقاذ الأطفال في مخيم زمزم للنازحين مسؤولة أممية : النساء السودانيات يواجهن أزمة إنسانية غير مسبوقةالخطوط الجوية الاثيوبية تطلق رحلات يومية إلى مدينة بورتسودان
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Hamdok: Continuous attempts to bring the two parties in Sudan to the dialogue table

Hamdok: Continuous attempts to bring the two parties in Sudan to the dialogue table

He stressed that the continuation of the war threatens the collapse of Sudan as a state

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The United States condemns the violence in the city of Sinja

The United States condemns the violence in the city of Sinja

He called for the need to ensure the protection of civilians

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Al-Sinari Observatory denounces the indiscriminate bombing and violations against civilians

Al-Sinari Observatory denounces the indiscriminate bombing and violations against civilians

Received reports of serious violations against civilians

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The Sudanese Conference announces its participation in the Cairo Conference to resolve the Sudanese crisis

The Sudanese Conference announces its participation in the Cairo Conference to resolve the Sudanese crisis

He thanked the Arab government of Egypt for its appreciated efforts

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The "original Baath" party receives invitations from Egypt, the African Union, and Switzerland

The "original Baath" party receives invitations from Egypt, the African Union, and Switzerland

The party confirmed its response to these calls

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Sennar Observatory: Civilians in Sennar state face harsh conditions due to the interruption of basic services

Sennar Observatory: Civilians in Sennar state face harsh conditions due to the interruption of basic services

He confirmed that there were massacres committed against civilians

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El Fasher Resistance Committees: Malnourished children are at risk

El Fasher Resistance Committees: Malnourished children are at risk

It revealed an increase in the number of deaths

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The Secretary-General of the United Nations calls for silencing the guns in Sudan and the Horn of Africa

The Secretary-General of the United Nations calls for silencing the guns in Sudan and the Horn of Africa

He stressed the importance of supporting Africa's capabilities

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Reuters: A Catholic mission in Khartoum faces danger due to conflict and food shortages

Reuters: A Catholic mission in Khartoum faces danger due to conflict and food shortages

Thilikadan described the food situation as very bad

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Al-Hadi Idris welcomes Egypt's invitation to participate in the conference to stop the war in Sudan

Al-Hadi Idris welcomes Egypt's invitation to participate in the conference to stop the war in Sudan

The conference will be held early next week

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A UN commissioner calls for peace in Sudan and support for countries hosting refugees

A UN commissioner calls for peace in Sudan and support for countries hosting refugees

He pointed out the displacement of many people to Libya

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The International Planned Parenthood Federation condemns the attack on its clinic in El Fasher

The International Planned Parenthood Federation condemns the attack on its clinic in El Fasher

Bermejo stressed the need to protect healthcare facilities

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