مجلس الأمن الدولي يعرب عن قلقه إزاء تصاعد العنف في السودان مدير أطباء بلا حدود: الأزمة الإنسانية في السودان "كارثية" منظمات دولية تحذر من تفاقم أزمة اللاجئين السودانيين في تشاد أمين عام الأمم المتحدة يدين الهجوم على المستشفى السعودي في الفاشرالجنائية الدولية تطالب بتسليم الهاربين منها وعلى رأسهم "البشير"
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OCHA: There is an increase in the number of new arrivals on South Sudan’s border with Sudan

OCHA: There is an increase in the number of new arrivals on South Sudan’s border with Sudan

More than 6,000 people are reported to still be waiting on the Sudanese side of the border to cross

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UN Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide expresses alarm at allegations of ethnically motivated violence in Sudan

UN Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide expresses alarm at allegations of ethnically motivated violence in Sudan

The Chancellor called for renewed international attention to the Sudanese crisis, which does not seem to have an end in sight, and stressed that the situation in the country “cannot and must not become a forgotten crisis.”

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UNICEF: The new wave of violence could leave children and families trapped between battle lines

UNICEF: The new wave of violence could leave children and families trapped between battle lines

The organization explained that the escalation of fighting in Al-Jazeera State has forced at least 150,000 children to leave their homes in less than a week

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OCHA: More than 250,000 people fled Gezira State following the clashes around Wad Madani.

OCHA: More than 250,000 people fled Gezira State following the clashes around Wad Madani.

The office stated that thousands of displaced people from Wad Madani may have arrived in Sennar State on their way to Gedaref, Kassala and Blue Nile.

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Save the Children: 350,000 children are at risk of being killed, injured, or displaced in Wad Medani

Save the Children: 350,000 children are at risk of being killed, injured, or displaced in Wad Medani

The Country Director stated that children are terrified of kidnapping, rape and recruitment into armed groups

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King Salman Relief Center distributes aid in the Blue Nile

King Salman Relief Center distributes aid in the Blue Nile

According to SPA, 37,387 individuals benefited from the aid, as part of the date aid distribution project in Sudan.

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The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees expresses its concern about the worsening forced displacement crisis in Sudan

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees expresses its concern about the worsening forced displacement crisis in Sudan

UNHCR called on the parties to the conflict to end the fighting and respect the safety of civilians in accordance with international law

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Freedom and Change renews its position rejecting the expansion of the course of fighting and calls on both parties to the conflict to engage in negotiations

Freedom and Change renews its position rejecting the expansion of the course of fighting and calls on both parties to the conflict to engage in negotiations

Freedom and Change confirmed that the perpetrators of violations and abuses will be punished after the end of the war

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The United Nations Population Fund expresses its concern about the escalation of fighting on the island

The United Nations Population Fund expresses its concern about the escalation of fighting on the island

The Fund stated in a post on Facebook that the state includes 1.52 million women and girls of reproductive age

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Hamdok calls on both sides of the conflict to stop the fighting and facilitate the arrival of humanitarian aid

Hamdok calls on both sides of the conflict to stop the fighting and facilitate the arrival of humanitarian aid

Dr. Abdullah Hamdok urges the people to rally around the efforts of civil forces to stop the war and restore the path of democratic transition.

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The UNICEF representative in Sudan expresses her concern about the escalation of violence on the island

The UNICEF representative in Sudan expresses her concern about the escalation of violence on the island

Mandeep reported that the city of Madani receives hundreds of thousands of children and their families, including those fleeing war

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Meteorology expects temperatures to drop across the country

Meteorology expects temperatures to drop across the country

The Authority stated that it is expected that light-speed winds and dust-raising winds will be active in various parts of the north of the country and the Red Sea State.

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